Category: 1. Fasting Basics

Intermittent Fasting (IF) is an eating plan that switches between eating and fasting windows on a regular basis. Compared to calorie-restricted (CR) diets, which focus on WHAT to eat…
There are 4 types of fasting practiced in the fasting community. . However, not all of them are suitable for women…
To make your fasting experience as comfortable, healthy, and safe as possible, it is important that you thoroughly understand what intermittent fasting is. Here are the best strategies…
“What can you drink during the fasted state?” There are mixed opinions on this answer, even from the experts, which makes this particularly confusing to the average person. For example…
Drinking water aids the regulation of glucose levels in the blood, and this helps burn fat and enhances weight loss. Furthermore…
Intermittent fasting (IF) is a dieting approach based on timing. Many choose the popular 16:8 method, which involves…
Will taking vitamins and meds break my fast? This is a question that often pops up among those who fast…
Your weight loss journey might fall into one of three scenarios…