Category: 3. Fasting & Female

Intermittent fasting is an excellent way to achieve weight loss. This strategy generally has incredible results; but if not done right, some women find…
Science discovered long ago that the female reproductive system is very sensitive to diet, stress, and caloric restriction. The prevalence of…
Despite the many benefits of intermittent fasting, it is important to keep in mind that it is not always appropriate for all women at all times. Following is a list of…
A woman’s body is highly influenced by the sex-steroid hormones. Hormonal levels fluctuate systematically to maintain the energy homoeostasis during the menstrual cycle…
For women, the production of hormones like estrogen and progesterone begins to decline around the age of 50. At this time, women stop ovulating…
PCOS and its symptoms are different for every person, and women must learn to manage it in a way that works for their body. While there are a variety of treatments…
In my previous article, we looked at what makes intermittent fasting (IF) an effective tool for managing PCOS. However…