What Are The Different Methods of Intermittent Fasting?
There are 4 types of fasting practiced in the fasting community. . However, not all of them are suitable for women…
Should You Skip Breakfast or Dinner?
Intermittent fasting (IF) is a dieting approach based on timing. Many choose the popular 16:8 method, which involves…
Can You Take Supplements and Medications During Fasting?
Will taking vitamins and meds break my fast? This is a question that often pops up among those who fast…
Why Do I Binge After a Fast and How Can I Stop?
This isn’t your typical article telling you to drink more water. Here, we’re going to get down to the nitty gritty of what’s really going on when you binge.
What Can You Do if You’re Stress Eating?
Most people aren’t aware they are suffering stress. It’s often called the silent killer for this reason. Hereunder is the common source of your daily stress:
How to Handle 10 Potential Side Effects of Intermittent Fasting
Although intermittent fasting is very effective in losing weight, adequate caution is advised because of the side effects that could arise…
7 Reasons You Don’t Lose Weight While Doing IF
Although several studies have reported the clinical benefits of IF to improve metabolic health and lose weight, some people may feel like…
Why Women Should Approach Fasting Differently Than Men
Science discovered long ago that the female reproductive system is very sensitive to diet, stress, and caloric restriction. The prevalence of…
Why Some Women Shouldn’t Fast
Despite the many benefits of intermittent fasting, it is important to keep in mind that it is not always appropriate for all women at all times. Following is a list of…
Why You Should Avoid Excessive Fasting Before Your Period
A woman’s body is highly influenced by the sex-steroid hormones. Hormonal levels fluctuate systematically to maintain the energy homoeostasis during the menstrual cycle…
Is Intermittent Fasting Effective in PCOS Management?
PCOS and its symptoms are different for every person, and women must learn to manage it in a way that works for their body. While there are a variety of treatments…
Managing PCOS Through IF As a Lifestyle
In my previous article, we looked at what makes intermittent fasting (IF) an effective tool for managing PCOS. However…
Tasty and Healthy Recipes to Start Your Eating Window
If you are following IF, it’s important to monitor what you eat as well as when you eat. Whether you do the 20:4, 18:6, or 16:8 method, you’ll want to…
What Should Your Last Meal Before Fasting Include?
Consuming nourishing meals that promote satiety and help to keep you full can be key when following a fasting regime and preventing food cravings…
Essential Nutrients for Women Practicing Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent fasting can be a practical weight-loss technique with a number of potential benefits for health, however…
How to Choose Healthy Options When Dining Out
Sometimes we need to eat out at restaurants to cope with the busyness of life. However, restaurant meals often come with…
Should Women Exercise While Fasting?
When deciding whether or not to do fasted exercise, some elements need to be taken into consideration…
How Do I Explain to Others When I am Fasting?
Saying no to eating or drinking in any social gathering is generally frowned upon. It may seem rude to say no to the host if they offer you something. But…
How Do I Explain Fasting to My Kids?
Discussing and handling certain situations with kids can be tricky at times, especially with young kids who want to know the…
What Can I Do If I Need to Cook for My Family While Fasting?
Sometimes you need to cook for your family when you are fasting. What can you do to help get through the cooking time without becoming too hungry?
How Do I Say NO To Food Pusher While Fasting?
It’s not easy to say no to the mouth-watering aroma of something delicious cooking in the vicinity or someone offering you a bite of their cupcake. But…
What Does Research Say About the Benefits of Intermittent Fasting?
Intermittent fasting is a natural way to lose weight that also has several health benefits. Here are 8 key benefits, backed by research studies…
What is Autophagy And How Long Do You Need to Fast For Autophagy?
The word autophagy is derived from two Greek words that mean “eat the self.” Autophagy is a physiological cellular process that helps…
Ketosis vs Fat-adaptation
Fasting leads to a state of ketosis and fat-adaptation. Because of that, many people practicing fasting experience its benefits such as…
Is Intermittent Fasting Suitable For Diabetic Patients?
Intermittent fasting (IF) has been shown to help diabetic patients achieve many health benefits by reducing their weight, improving insulin sensitivity, and decreasing visceral fat. However…
Why You Should Choose Intermittent Fasting Over the Ketogenic Diet
The ketogenic diet (keto) and intermittent fasting (IF) are among the most common diets that are routinely used to manage certain medical issues, including…
Intermittent Fasting – Latest Research in 2022
The brain-derived neurotrophic factor, BDNF, is a protein found in the brain. It is essential for neuroplasticity and the growth and development of brain cells. It also plays…